stepahead solutions

The Product
StepAheads’ Human Capital Communication Analytics (HCCA) Platform incorporates big data pools, unique algorithms, advanced academic research and a privacy sensitive sensor, which gives clear insights of how to reduce time waste and promote professional synergy.

e - Communication
Identify email overload, usage trends and workflow bottlenecks through quantified data.
Communication Overload Analytics
At StepAhead we value the importance of resourceful communication. With our Communication Overload Analytics Tool, we identify wasteful communication habits allowing you to optimize the critical flow of information within your organization.
e – Communication:
Identify email overload, usage trends and workflow bottlenecks through quantified data.
Meeting Culture:
recognize redundant meeting time and attendee overload to allow productive collaborative practices.
Multi-platform Integration
Enable the StepAhead software to connect to any communication platform your business needs. Analyze communication dynamics across the organization via integration with various third party communication platforms.
Privacy Sensor
StepAheads’ software solutions are based on the integration with multiple communication platforms in order to aggregate and analyze real-time data. With strict regulations regarding employee privacy and security, StepAhead guarantees unmatched technological capabilities with uncompromising privacy and security policy.
Customizable dashboard
StepAhead software offers a fully customizable dashboard that delivers unmatched flexibility in every aspect. Filter and present the most critical data that requires your immediate attention and action.

Collaboration Dynamics Analytics
StepAhead implements one of the most advanced and innovative business approaches – People Analytics. Based on proven academic research of ONA (organizational network analytics) and vast field experience, we utilize email, CRM data and industry benchmarks to analyze collaboration dynamics and patterns.
At StepAhead we believe in the power of a network. We map relationships between employees, teams and department to provide simpler and easier lines for direct communication.
360° View
StepAhead’s HCCA platform offers a 360 view to organizational collaboration and communication patterns. Whether intradepartmental or inner-departmental dynamics, the HCCA platform maps professional relationships and connections, highlighting Connector, Leader and Talent employee’s.
Key Performance Indicators
A simple and engaging way for managers to view collaboration patterns. Eliminate communication bottlenecks and collaborative roadblocks to promote direct lines of communication and productive collaboration practices